QueeAndJiggy OPIbiza 1969 · Hippie time · Quee and Jiggy order leather clothing · Black pants of ox-hide, other pants of buffalo skin, red tights of horse leather, two jackets – sheep leather in blue and black, all custom-made by a tailor of Cuero Mallorquín. For their inside bondage games the young men want something extravagant: tight leather overalls of thick cow hide which they wear as leather-over-nothing. It produces a marvellous feeling. In the glossy black dress they look sexy. Diana means: “Toys for our narcissistic boys.” Virginia sees it clearly: “Hey – it’s an invitation! To tie them up. Hands behind. Their bodies closely together, back to back. The hot guys like it hot? They may even have it hotter!” For Quee and Jig, it is a lot of fun and just a big appetite for life. In Ibiza, they come to be known as Leather-Quee and Leather-Jiggy ... meditative self-bondage games, being tied up, handcuffs, fettered, short leather pants, leather overall, Uke and Tori, Fesselspiel, fesseln, Leder-Overall, kurze Lederhose, Handschellen, Lederriemen,